11 12, 2014

First Class of College of Charleston Market Process Scholars Announced

By |2020-01-14T14:10:06-05:00December 11, 2014|Academics, Campus Life|Comments Off on First Class of College of Charleston Market Process Scholars Announced

The College of Charleston announced the first class of Market Process Scholars, three students recognized for exceptional academics and interest in economics.

11 12, 2014

Sweetgrass Basket Exhibit on Display at Avery through January 2015

By |2015-03-24T14:23:55-04:00December 11, 2014|Academics, Campus Life|Comments Off on Sweetgrass Basket Exhibit on Display at Avery through January 2015

The exhibition, “Sweetgrass: A Living Legacy of Family and Community,” features baskets made by various African and African American artists in the 20th and 21st centuries.

3 12, 2014

Honors College Student Starts Project Playground, Recruits 50 Volunteers

By |2020-02-25T13:05:40-05:00December 3, 2014|Academics, Campus Life|Comments Off on Honors College Student Starts Project Playground, Recruits 50 Volunteers

Clay Dustin started Project Playground to help keep elementary school children active and out of trouble during recess.

1 12, 2014

Cougar Countdown Offers Stress-Busting Activities During Exam Week

By |2015-04-06T15:48:46-04:00December 1, 2014|Academics, Campus Life|Comments Off on Cougar Countdown Offers Stress-Busting Activities During Exam Week

Cougar Countdown runs Dec. 2 to Dec. 10 and offers a variety of events and activities to help students approach final exams with a healthy and positive attitude.

18 11, 2014

Honors Alumnus Returns to Campus to Speak on the 2014 Ebola Outbreak

By |2015-04-06T15:48:47-04:00November 18, 2014|Academics, Alumni|Comments Off on Honors Alumnus Returns to Campus to Speak on the 2014 Ebola Outbreak

College of Charleston Honors College alumnus James Hodge Jr. ’89 is presenting “The 2014 Ebola Outbreak: Issues of Law, Policy and Ethics” at 3 p.m. on Nov. 20, 2014.

18 11, 2014

3 Honors College Students Who are Going to Change the World

By |2020-02-25T13:05:43-05:00November 18, 2014|Academics|Comments Off on 3 Honors College Students Who are Going to Change the World

When these three students in the College of Charleston Honors College stepped back to look at the bigger picture, they not only saw opportunity – they ran with it.

7 11, 2014

On Veteran’s Day, Dr. James Ficke Talks About Being a Soldier and Surgeon

By |2015-03-24T14:23:56-04:00November 7, 2014|Academics|Comments Off on On Veteran’s Day, Dr. James Ficke Talks About Being a Soldier and Surgeon

Retired Army Colonel, Dr. James R. Ficke, will speak at the College of Charleston on November 11, 2014 at 5 p.m. in connection with The College Reads! book selection, "The Good Soldiers."

27 10, 2014

President McConnell: The First 100 Days

By |2020-02-25T13:05:47-05:00October 27, 2014|Academics, Alumni, Athletics, Campus Life|Comments Off on President McConnell: The First 100 Days

Since officially taking office on July 1, 2014, President Glenn McConnell ’69 has been busy gathering input from the College community and sharing his vision for the College’s future.

15 10, 2014

The World Is Your Campus, So Go Explore It

By |2015-04-06T15:48:47-04:00October 15, 2014|Academics|Comments Off on The World Is Your Campus, So Go Explore It

In the heat and humidity of a Charleston summer, a place like Iceland sounds like a whole different world – glaciers and snow-capped mountains are hard to even fathom. Iceland, of course, is hardly a world away: All it takes is one connecting flight. Photo provided by Nicholas Burns At the College of