17 07, 2017

CofC Students Get Firsthand International Education Lessons in India

By |2020-02-25T13:00:30-05:00July 17, 2017|Campus Life|Comments Off on CofC Students Get Firsthand International Education Lessons in India

Students from the College are studying a school in India to consider the balance between education and the need to preserve indigenous cultural traits.

27 01, 2017

SURF Grant Deadline Is Feb. 7

By |2020-01-14T11:30:33-05:00January 27, 2017|Campus Life|Comments Off on SURF Grant Deadline Is Feb. 7

Students looking to spend their summer doing research with College of Charleston faculty members have less than two weeks to apply for this year's Summer Undergraduate Research with Faculty grant. Applications for the grant, which gives students up to $6,500 to conduct summer research projects with faculty members, are due Feb. 7, 2017. The grant can pay for