The College of Charleston saw another epic year of progress, achievements, milestones and celebrations in 2016.
Here, in no particular order, are a few of the highlights and memorable moments from the past year:
We closed out the BOUNDLESS campaign, raising $138.7 million in the most successful philanthropic and engagement effort in the College’s history.
…mourned the loss of two beloved professors – Conseula Francis and Alison Piepmeier.
…welcomed our newest students in the Class of 2020 and said good-bye to our graduates at our spring and winter commencement ceremonies.
- Allison Piepmeir
…highlighted the professional achievements of our alumni, including the 2016 Alumni Award recipients as well as a cancer survivor who offers music therapy to other patients, an entrepreneur who created a babysitting app and a graduate who invented an allergy-free snack.
…showcased the fascinating and world-shifting research that our faculty are conducting in areas such as nerve regeneration, autism and civil rights history.
…cheered on our athletics teams and brought on board a new athletics director to lead our student-athletes and coaches to new and greater heights.
…enjoyed some levity and snapped a few selfies with President Glenn McConnell ’69.
…were recognized nationally for the high quality of our academic programs and the teaching skills of our faculty.
…watched the Summer Olympics in Rio, cheering on our sailors and marveling at the technology one alumnus used to help keep the games safe.
- Devon Hanahan
…lost one of the Cistern Yard’s giant oak trees and temporarily gained a massive T. rex.
…endured Hurricane Matthew and breathed a collective sigh of relief when it left our campus mostly unscathed.
…launched a new collegiate recovery program to support students recovering from substance and addictive disorders and hired a highly respected director to oversee it.
…completed or continued to make progress on several major renovation projects around campus.
…smiled at the quirkiness and innovativeness of our CofC community.
Here’s looking forward to all that we will accomplish together in 2017. Cheers!