Faculty Research and Development Grant Proposals Due Oct. 16
The deadline for Faculty Research and Development Grant proposals for the award period Jan. 1–May 15, 2021, is 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 16, 2020.
The deadline for Faculty Research and Development Grant proposals for the award period Jan. 1–May 15, 2021, is 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 16, 2020.
The open enrollment period for PEBA insurance benefits is October 1–31, 2020. During open enrollment, permanent full-time employees who are currently eligible for insurance benefits may change their coverage for the following year.
The College of Charleston campus community is invited to help select a College Reads book for 2021.
The College of Charleston is hosting a four-part virtual Retirewise® workshop series at 12 p.m. on Mondays, starting Monday, Sept. 21, 2020. The series is free to CofC employees and their spouses/partners.
The Division of Information Technology and the Teaching and Learning Team offer online learning opportunities for CofC faculty and staff.
Three management and marketing faculty members have co-written an article that will be published in the "Journal of Business Research."
Back on the Bricks has campus directional and informational signage and graphics available for download.
City Bistro and Chick-fil-A are open to the campus community.
The Staff Training Program allows CofC faculty and staff to take one free CofC course a semester. Applications for the spring 2021 semester are due Nov. 1, 2020.
The software delivery platform AppsAnywhere allows the CofC community access to any application the College has licensing for, with any device, from anywhere, at any time.