CofC Associate Provost Elected to Academic Consortium Board
Andrew Sobiesuo, director of the College's Center for International Education, has been elected to the Council on International Educational Exchange's Academic Consortium Board.
Andrew Sobiesuo, director of the College's Center for International Education, has been elected to the Council on International Educational Exchange's Academic Consortium Board.
Victoria Rego stumbled on an interesting phenomenon while studying Sherlock Holmes in the U.K. So she decided to investigate.
The College has been ranked No. 4 in the United States among the top 40 master’s level colleges for the total number of study abroad participants.
The College has been ranked No. 4 in the United States among the top 40 master’s level colleges for the total number of study abroad participants.
The College has been recognized by the Institute of International Education for having 1,033 students participate in the study aboard program over the past two years.
From New York City to Spain and Dubai, there are few places College of Charleston students won't be this Spring Break from March 6 -13.
College of Charleston students witnessed the unforgettable natural beauty and wildlife of the Galapagos Islands while completing a June 2015 study abroad course on volcanoes.
The College of Charleston's study abroad program was ranked 39th among a list of the 50 best study abroad programs in America by Best College Reviews.
See how high the College ranks in the Institute of International Education's list of top universities for the number of students who studied abroad.