Math Students Pick Best March Madness Shots Ever
What are the best March Madness shots of all time? Four CofC math students give you the answer.
What are the best March Madness shots of all time? Four CofC math students give you the answer.
Three theatre majors recently brought home several awards from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) Region IV competition.
Jody Bell's journey has been winding, but her curiosity and philanthropic goals are leading her to the TEDxCharleston stage on March 23, 2022.
Meet Mikhail “Misha” Pekar, a senior double-majoring in music (piano performance) and arts management who enjoys performing classical, jazz and popular music at venues around Charleston.
The College of Charleston’s athletics band, Chucktown Sound, is bringing back live music and extra energy to the men’s basketball games – and looking for new student-musicians to join.
President Andrew T. Hsu shared updates regarding plans for COVID-19 protocols in a message to the campus community on Friday, Feb. 11.
Thanks to donor support, the newly remodeled Student Success Center at the School of Business is bringing success to the next level.
Collaborating with schools and other departments on campus, the Office of Institutional Diversity is creating activities designed to support AALANA (African American, Latinx, Asian and Native American) students.
The College is holding a series of in-person and virtual housing fairs to provide information about off-campus housing options for the 2022-23 year.
In honor of Black History Month, several CofC departments, offices and programs are sponsoring events that explore Black history, culture and modern day issues.