19 03, 2020

Professors Prepare for E-Learning Period

By |2020-03-27T08:49:09-04:00March 19, 2020|Academics, All News, Side Feature|Comments Off on Professors Prepare for E-Learning Period

The College’s Teaching and Learning Team, an office dedicated to helping professors integrate technology into their teaching, has ramped up its efforts to support faculty ahead of the College's e-learning period.

10 03, 2020

Bully Pulpit Series Becomes a ‘Hot Spot’ for Presidential Candidates

By |2020-03-20T14:28:02-04:00March 10, 2020|All News, Campus Life, Side Feature|Comments Off on Bully Pulpit Series Becomes a ‘Hot Spot’ for Presidential Candidates

The College's Bully Pulpit Series has turned into the Lowcountry’s front seat to American politics. Over the last eight months, the series hosted 12 Democratic presidential candidates.

3 03, 2020

S.C. Presidential Debate Provides Students With Memorable Experience

By |2020-03-13T09:00:45-04:00March 3, 2020|All News, Campus Life|Comments Off on S.C. Presidential Debate Provides Students With Memorable Experience

More than 40 CofC students worked as runners with CBS and CNN ahead of the debate and town halls last week.

26 02, 2020

Katie Stagliano is a Sub Above With Katie’s Krops

By |2020-03-10T09:30:45-04:00February 26, 2020|All News, Campus Life|Comments Off on Katie Stagliano is a Sub Above With Katie’s Krops

Senior Katie Stagliano was recently awarded $5,000 through Jersey Mike’s Sub Abover Grant program to help continue the momentum of her nonprofit initiative Katie's Krops.

25 02, 2020

Women’s and Gender Studies Program Hosts Activist Mariah Parker

By |2020-03-03T11:04:53-05:00February 25, 2020|Campus Life|Comments Off on Women’s and Gender Studies Program Hosts Activist Mariah Parker

A community organizer, rapper and city councilwoman in Athens, Georgia, Mariah Parker will visit campus on Feb. 27 to present a lecture, "Cultivating Courage: From Experience to Political Action for Justice.”