Mail Services Team Receives Awards
The Office of Mail Services as well as team member Jennifer Gillispie were recently recognized by the College and University Mail Services Association.
Faculty, Staff Introduce Their Kitty Colleagues for National Cat Day
In celebration of of National Cat Day, Oct. 29, these CofC faculty and staff members introduce their feline friends to the College community.
DiversityEDU Training Module Available to Faculty, Staff
The employee module of DiversityEDU is now available for faculty and staff through CougarEd.
Staff Advisory Committee Finds Opportunity in Challenging Year
The Staff Advisory Committee to the President (SAC) is focusing on finding opportunities to communicate, connect and collaborate this academic year.
CofC Faces to Know: Lamont Moore
Meet Lamont Moore, a groundskeeper who who has been making the College of Charleston campus beautiful for 15 years.
New Truck at Grice Marine Lab Has Storied Past
Grice Marine Lab's newly acquired 2012 F-250 led a very different life before becoming a resource for marine science research.
National Custodian Appreciation Day Takes on New Meaning Amid COVID-19
On National Custodian Appreciation Day, Oct. 2, the College of Charleston recognizes the critical work of custodians during a worldwide pandemic.
Central Stores Crew Avoids a Tyrannosaurus Wreck
This is the true tale of how a Central Stores and Warehouse crew helped guide two dinosaurs to their new home at the Mace Brown Museum of Natural History.
Campus Recreation Services Creates Geocaching Game for Faculty, Staff
The first CofC employee to complete Campus Recreation Service's geocaching scavenger hunt will win a stand-up paddelboard trip for two.
CofC Faces to Know: Michael Turner
Meet Michael Turner, director of facilities planning at the College of Charleston.
Laura Lee Worrell: The CofC Staffer Behind the Plexiglass
Laura Lee Worrell, a building and equipment maintenance project manager in Facilities Management, is helping keep campus safe with plexiglass sneeze guards.
Fragile Presented Governor’s Award for Excellence in Scientific Research
Astrophysics professor Chris Fragile has been awarded the South Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence in Scientific Research at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution. The Governor's Awards for Excellence in Science are among the highest science honors in South Carolina.
The College Welcomes New Faculty Members
The College of Charleston welcomes over two dozen new professors to campus this year, with specialties ranging from bioinformatics to Native American religious traditions to behavioral finance.
Faculty, Staff Introduce Their Canine Colleagues for National Dog Day
In celebration of National Dog Day, August 26, faculty and staff members share a glimpse at the canine colleagues who've kept them company while working from home.
College of Charleston Libraries Support Faculty for Fall 2020
As classes get underway this month, instruction and what professors need for the fall 2020 semester will undoubtedly be different. And the College of Charleston Libraries are here to help.